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Deadline for submission of animal health declared.

The diseases that affect animal health also affect ours. Tackling them while they are present in animals not only safeguards our health, it is easier, more effective and less expensive to address. The deadline for submission of animal health have been announced and more criteria  or related requirements that will be needed are outlined below.

Producers must submit the Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS) Animal Health Declarations twice per annum for the period January to June and July to December. The deadlines for submission is 31 July and 31 January of each year for the respective periods. Data collected through submission of self-declarations are used for animal disease control, for tracking of animal disease trends as well as for compulsory reporting to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).   Due to poor response from producers to submit these declarations the DVS have come to the decision to restrict stock-brands or establishments of producers who fail to submit the declarations on time.  The upcoming deadline is set for 31 July 2019 and producers are urged to submit their declarations for the period January to June 2019 on time. Declarations can be submitted electronically on NamLITS-online. Declaration forms can be downloaded on the Meat Board website and are also available at State Veterinary Offices. Completed forms must be submitted to the nearest Directorate of Veterinary Services offices with a requested them to receive proof thereof.