According to statistics in 2016 alone, MVA fund recorded 117 animal-related crashes which resulted in 4 fatalities and 189 injuries. Crashes and injuries represented 3 % of total animal-related accidents in 2016. At times, drivers would occur in accident as a result of cattle’s that are in the road with no one to herd them or goats, sheep’s, cattle’s, horses and most frequently donkeys.
During the day, most drivers are vigilant and often avoid being involved in accident with these livestock’s, but the situation become inevitable during night time. Many car accidents in Namibia that happen at night are caused by animals that roam along busy roads. About a year ago, a man called amesho came up with an innovation and initiative of reflectors that are designed to be placed around the neck of goats, cattle and donkeys with their sole purpose to signal drivers during the night that there are livestock ahead, thus resulting in the drivers to slow down and ultimately avoiding accidents.
Studies have shown that most livestock have a tendency to sleep on the road during night time. This is because the temperature on the road become very conducive and appealing for most animals to sleep on. Furthermore, the comfortability and relaxation that the tar road offers induces livestock to sleep on. Studies have shown that goats and other small livestock’s are often the one found sleeping on the road. This makes it very hard for most drivers to spot them on time and thus resulting in road accidents.
According to the Roads ordinance No. 122 of 1972 the owners of the farms over which the road stretches, are responsible for the maintenance of these fences. This apply to both communal and commercial farmers. Commercial farmers are advised to carry out periodical inspections of fencing to ensure that both domestic and wild animals do not stray from the grazing fields. If both communal and commercial farmers improve their fence and keep a watchful eye on their animals, this will for sure reduce the number of fatalities or animal road accidents that we face.
The onus rest on farmers to be responsible and ensure that they take care of their livestocks during the day by keeping an eye on them and also ensure that their animals are in the kraal during night time. This would not only ensure that the road accident will be minimized but it will also guarantee that the farmers will keep their animals & won`t lose any as a result of accident.