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Inception Workshop: Having the plight of livestock farmers in the Northern Communal Area (NCA) at heart.

The Livestock Support Programme (LSP) project team is working hard to reach out to all the northern communal areas in the following regions: Ohangwena, Oshana, Zambezi, Kunene, Omusati, Oshikoto, Kavango East & Kavango West.

During the recent intervention or inception workshop in Omusati region, the Executive director of the Ministry of Agriculture Water and Land Reform (MAWLR), Percy Misika highlighted that the ministry wants to revive the tannery sector. He however highlighted that, the sustainability of the sector depends on the farmers to constantly supply hides and skins. The executive director also encouraged farmers to share knowledge among each other as this will eventually lead to their own growth.

The Livestock Support Programme is determined to render support to livestock farming from a different angle. With climate change in perspective, the LSP intends to establish a certain degree of resilience for farmers whereby they will amplify fodder production efforts, establish feedlots and double knowledge creation in nutrition and rangeland management through training and awareness in the NCA. Misika have however pointed out that, the above will only materialise if farmers are receptive to the efforts that will be provided.

Misika has further call out key stakeholders like Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU) and cooperatives to join hands with the ministry in mobilising farmers to well utilise the resources they are intending to establish.

“We should not only focus on the project`s lifespan, but rather focus beyond its lifespan and the latter is what will make it sustainable. In light of the above, my fellow Namibians, let us ensure that when these feedlots are up and running that they are ever full of capacity year after year”, says Misika.

During the inception workshop, it was also revealed that access to markets is another strategy the ministry wants to aggressively pursue. With the support of the government, the ministry is at its highest level to enter into agreement so that procurement of meat and meat products is a reality, especially for the abattoirs in the NCA.

The ministry has revealed that through this project, it is trying to improve on veterinary service delivery. While the Foot-and-Mouth (FMD) disease has economic distress on the country & complicated to eradicate, the ministry is continually working towards containing it every time there is an outbreak. Therefore, capacity building in terms of diagnostic services, surveillance and traceability through epidemiological activities and rehabilitating all animal handling facilities are all activities to be implemented under this project.