The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) gave a suspension on importation and in-transit of cloven hoofed animals and their products from South Africa into Namibia or in transit. This follow after the confirmed outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease in South Africa.
According to report, there are currently 110 open FMD outbreaks in the previous FMD free zone of South Africa which occurred from 13 June – 05 August 2022. The cases have been recorded in the following provinces: Kwazulu Natal, Limpopo, North West, Gauteng, Free State and Mpumalanga.
The suspension is known to play a critical role to reinforce the control measures in order to prevent possible spread and introduction of FMD in to the free zone of Namibia as it shares common border.
Based on the MAWLR, the following commodities are not allowed for importation and in transit: All cloven-hoofed animals and their products such as; fresh/frozen pork, uncooked processed pork, raw meat, bovine embryos and semen, raw meat including pork, uncooked meat, embryos and semen. Grass, forages, Lucerne, silage and any other FMD potentially infectious materials have also been suspended.
According to the Ministry, the following commodities are still allowed for importation and in transit; cooked processed products of cloven-hoofed animals` origin, milk and milk-based products, hides processed up to wet blue and fully processed trophies.
The suspension remains in force until further notice and all previously issued import and in transit permits have been cancelled and recalled with immediate effect.
Further info can be obtained from the Veterinary Import/Export office at: